
On this page you will find information about this company and the people behind it.


Mogrensvik Turist & Fritid was grounded 1999 then called Fixing Åmål Fritids- & Företagsservice by Lisbeth Karlsson (born Mogren, now Vestlund) with the ambition to "do the best for most people". On her fathers family farm she has a place for tourists under development with help from the hole family! Very welcome!

Lisbeth Vestlund - Profile picture

Lisbeth Vestlund

Founder & owner of Mogrensvik T&F

Lisbeth is an onward and a speedy woman who does everything but sit still. Mogrensvik T&F which she runs "on the side" is one of her many preoccupations. Besides running this company, she is active in politics and works fulltime in home care.

Martin Karlsson - Profile picture

Martin Karlsson


Martin is a calm and technically-minded guy living in Åmal. Martins role in Mogrensvik T&F consists of the maintenance and improvement of the website.